Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018

Help People


In my second speech, i will talk about Poverness.
I funding for poverness. All around the world. I do deal with this earth for funding at least 15 Millions Pounsterling for BBC earth with the chair in The White House by my own pocket money.
I funding Bbc Earth 15 millions Poundsterling by my own pocket money?  I do that with my chair in The White House. They dont want the sky, they just with our ground in black skin. The nutrient matter.
The sky is the Rich Man, funding the poverness. Funding the black skin. Earth matter.
So where the money from my own pocket go for in my governance by White House? Humanitarian effort ofcourse, because they are the poorness. Because they are with the black skin with the earth

I have some question before i continue my speech about poverness. Who is the poverness? Indonesia? The answer is no. Malay? No. The real poverness is the african. We go for poverness we go for people of africa. All poverty you see all around in this world is about people of Africa. Thats our real problem about poverness. All ghost about the poverness is come from the african. The other is just the preventive act. People of Africa must reach the most right now. I want people of Africa as our diamond zone. As a kingdom of Solomon. That era must right now!  Before we move our steps all is about people of Africa. Right Now!
Thats Robynostra Foundation. For people of Africa.  To make sure that we have always our diamond zone. Our Solomon Kingdom. By people of Africa.

Once upon time. I read a book in a bookstore in Jakarta. Its just a story before i continue my speech about poverness.  I read book about Atlantis city by the western writer that refer to the Polynesia Area. I just wonder why the greek book drive the Atlantis go for Asia refer mapping? I guarantee you for the polynesia and the atlantis is real one Package after the people of Africa. I will show you where the Atlantis become our next space. Included with detail of coordinat where the city is? But the most is the people of Africa.
And ones more i will talk to you about ones tv show from western program. Its call X FACTOR TV Show. Before i continue my speech about poverness. We have the x factor by the 4th champion in our genetic mapping in our society in this world.
All included one package about Polynesia and then Atlantis.  You will have it all after the african people already with The Solomon Kingdom.
Habitat, UNDIP, CARE the children, Women Empowering, its all about Solomon Kingdom by people of Africa. Our Diamond Zone.

Help The People

In my second speech, i will talk about Poverness.
I funding for poverness. All around the world. I do deal with this earth for funding at least 15 Millions Pounsterling for BBC earth with the chair in The White House by my own pocket money.
I funding Bbc Earth 15 millions Poundsterling by my own pocket money?  I do that with my chair in The White House. They dont want the sky, they just with our ground in black skin. The nutrient matter.
The sky is the Rich Man, funding the poverness. Funding the black skin. Earth matter.
So where the money from my own pocket go for in my governance by White House? Humanitarian effort ofcourse, because they are the poorness. Because they are with the black skin with the earth

I have some question before i continue my speech about poverness. Who is the poverness? Indonesia? The answer is no. Malay? No. The real poverness is the african. We go for poverness we go for people of africa. All poverty you see all around in this world is about people of Africa. Thats our real problem about poverness. All ghost about the poverness is come from the african. The other is just the preventive act. People of Africa must reach the most right now. I want people of Africa as our diamond zone. As a kingdom of Solomon. That era must right now!  Before we move our steps all is about people of Africa. Right Now!
Thats Robynostra Foundation. For people of Africa.  To make sure that we have always our diamond zone. Our Solomon Kingdom. By people of Africa.

Once upon time. I read a book in a bookstore in Jakarta. Its just a story before i continue my speech about poverness.  I read book about Atlantis city by the western writer that refer to the Polynesia Area. I just wonder why the greek book drive the Atlantis go for Asia refer mapping? I guarantee you for the polynesia and the atlantis is real one Package after the people of Africa. I will show you where the Atlantis become our next space. Included with detail of coordinat where the city is? But the most is the people of Africa.
And ones more i will talk to you about ones tv show from western program. Its call X FACTOR TV Show. Before i continue my speech about poverness. We have the x factor by the 4th champion in our genetic mapping in our society in this world.
All included one package about Polynesia and then Atlantis.  You will have it all after the african people already with The Solomon Kingdom.
Habitat, UNDIP, CARE the children, Women Empowering, its all about Solomon Kingdom by people of Africa. Our Diamond Zone.